Call to Artists:
Emerald Print Exchange 2019
Whiteaker Printmakers and Print Arts Northwest are delighted to announce the second annual Emerald Print Exchange, expanded for 2019 to include international entries. All artists are invited to click here to register for the 2019 exchange. Join us in our mission to engage with printmakers around the world, to exhibit new works in Portland and Eugene, and to raise funds for our non-profit organizations.
News flash!! As of May 31, the Emerald Print Exchange is FULL, with 200 participants!
Each participating artist sends us an edition of twelve hand-pulled original prints. We send each artist ten original prints by other artists, randomly selected by us. We retain two prints from every edition we receive, to be exhibited and sold for PAN and WhitPrint fundraising. And we use some of the images online to promote the Emerald Print Exchange.
The Emerald Print Exchange is open to all printmakers. It is limited to 200 participants, in order of registration. A non-refundable entry fee is required.
All forms of editionable, hand-pulled prints are acceptable, including etching/aquatint, lithography, woodcut, linocut, mezzotint, and screenprint. All prints of the edition should be consistent, using the same paper and inks throughout.
No monotypes. No giclées, reproductions, or photographs. Please, to prevent damage to other entries, no glitter, attached objects, or 3-D.
Paper size MUST be 5”x7” (127 mm x 178 mm). Over- or under-sized submissions will be disqualified and returned. Image does not need to fill the paper.
The complete edition must be twelve prints, each one signed and numbered (1/12 - 12/12). There should be only slight, if any, differences in your edition, so those who receive your prints will all receive consistent pieces. In keeping with standard print editioning custom, you may retain no more than 2 artist proofs (marked A/P). Titles are optional. Because of size restrictions, you may sign and number your prints on the back instead of the front. Please also print your name clearly on the back of each print.
The entry fee is $35 for US participants, $48 for international, with a $10 discount for PAN and WhitPrint members.
You must register and pay online before shipping your prints to us. The information we collect from you will be used only for the Emerald Print Exchange. Once you register, we'll email you reminders about how and when to submit your edition.
Your submission must be packaged in a single shipment. Slip-sheet between each print with interleaving, glassine, or newsprint. Send shipment to:
Emerald Print Exchange
c/o Whiteaker Printmakers
1328 W. 2nd Avenue
Eugene OR 97402
Jan 15: Official registration opening date.
May 31: Registration closes. (Note that we'll close registration as soon as 200 artists sign up, which may be before this deadline.)
July 30: Submission deadline. We must receive your shipment by this date. Please allow ample time for shipment. Late shipments will be accepted or returned at our discretion.
Sep 1: Exchange shipments begin.
After we’ve received your edition we’ll follow up to find out where to send your exchange. You’ll have the option to provide more information about yourself and your art, which we will publish online in the next Emerald Print Exchange catalog.
Please email printexchange@whitprint.com if you have questions or comments.
Participants, we'll be emailing you at the address you provided when you registered. Please contact us ASAP if your email address changes!