“Pressing Matters 2016,” Whiteaker Printmakers' first juried printmaking exhibition, opens August 2 at the Emerald Art Center in neighboring Springfield, Oregon. Traditional printmaking techniques including etching, monotype, mezzotint, woodcut, linocut, screenprinting, and lithography will delight the eye as they express the depths of modern inspiration.
Our juror is Karen Kunc, of Constellation Studios and the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. "There are interconnections to discover, and qualities to sense built into the viewing by the efforts and graphic intelligence of so many artists," writes Kunc in her juror's statement. Her award selections are:
- First place: Mika Aono Boyd, "Healing Process"
- Second place: Ben Beres, "Time Machine"
- Third place #1: Becky Blosser, "Perched Lookout"
- Third place #2: Judy Mensch, "Land"
The Emerald Art Center gallery is open Tuesdays through Saturdays, 11 - 4, and on Friday, August 12, 5-8 pm, during the Downtown Springfield Second Friday Artwalk.. The exhibition runs through September 2.
Exhibiting Artists
Mika Aono, Eugene OR
Ben Beres, Seattle WA
Becky Blosser, Lancaster PA
Douglas Bosley, Madison WI
Joshua Butler, Grand Junction CO
Rosemary Cohen, Salem OR
Tallmadge Doyle, Eugene OR
Beth Fein, Berkeley CA
Arron Foster, Athens GA
Sarah Fukami, Denver CO
Donald Furst, Wilmington NC
Jayne Reid Jackson, Madison WI
Kristina Key, Florence MA
Evgenia Kim, Antioch TN
Melody Knight Leary, Norwich CT
Alan Larkin, South Bend IN
Enrique Leal, Santa Cruz CA
John McKaig, Mansfield MI
Judy Mensch, New York NY
Mark Sisson, Stillwater OK
Mike Sonnichsen, Moscow ID
Chris Warot, Aurora CO
Joshua Watts, Pekin IL
Linda Whitney, Valley City ND
Lisa Wicka, Lafayette WI
"Healing Process"
Mika Aono Boyd (Eugene OR)
Aquatint etching, chine collé, serigraphy on wood panel